Dear Valued Visitors, We are excited to announce that our company, formerly known as Seven Webepower , will now be operating under the new name of Pin Blooms Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Magento 2 Upgradation Services

You might be aware that Magento has decided to discontinue Magento 1.x. If you are running your store on Magento 1.x, we would highly recommend you upgrade to Magento 2.x as soon as possible.

Still, you are on Magento 1?

You might be aware that Magento has decided to discontinue Magento 1.x. If you are running your store on Magento 1.x, we would highly recommend you upgrade to Magento 2.x as soon as possible. 

Many of our customers who were on Magento 1.x are now moving to Magento 2.x. We want to share a story of one of our clients, his store had been running on Magento 1.x for years, but a few months ago, he started to notice some unusual things that were happening with the store. He contacted us while our Magento 2 certified developers took a dig at issue; they came to know that the store has some spam content. At the exact moment, we asked him to move onto Magento 2.x to prevent the store from hackers and data loss.

On this date, he is enjoying the experience faster than before, and he is very grateful in our favor.

Why we recommend magento 2?

At the same time, if you have a Magento 2 store, we would love to ask you to upgrade to the latest version of Magento 2.x. Upgrading Magento 2 has a lot of benefits itself. 

Magento 2.4.2 is the latest version of Magento 2.x. On its launch, Magento’s official team has come up with lucrative features and functionality such as Platform Upgrades, Performance boosts, Infrastructure improvements, Merchant tool enhancements, Inventory Management Enhancements, and the list does not end here.

After a certain period, as you update your mobile software, every new software comes with the latest features and bug fixes. In the same way, with the highest customization features, advanced technology, and better back-end controlling system, the Magento team periodically comes up with the latest version.

When it comes to eCommerce, Magento is the leader among others. That being said, Magento is the backbone of a robust eCommerce store which is an entirely true statement.

Magento is, now and then, coming up with its latest option for the system. There is no doubt about its popularity.
If you are looking for Magento upgrade services, we would like to ask for your availability to discuss your requirements in detail. We urge you to get in touch with us as soon as time permits you.

In the industry, we have been performing an excellent role for over a decade. There are more than 150 proven records of successful results under our belt. We are a Magento leading company and have been helping our clients for many years and providing them with an ideal product.

This is what we take care of

No Downtime
Almost No Downtime

We assure you that our upgrade process will not nearly affect your current store.

No Data Loss
No Data Loss

We take a hard look at transferring all the data to make the old to new version successful.

On Time Deliver
Timely Delivery

This is what we never compromise on. We respect deadlines.

100% Security

We ensure 100% security of your store. We barely pass any point from our Eagle-Eye.

Security Patch
Security Patch

In this Process, we will include all security patches in the package.

When you ask us to upgrade your store
you will notice

No Downtime
Page Loading Speed

Your Magento Store is responding at an excellent speed.

No Data Loss
User Experience

More beautiful and attractive user-friendly UI experience.

On Time Deliver
Conversion Rate

Your magento store is attracting more potential customers.

Payment Security

After upgrading your current store, the payment gateway will become more secure.


Contact us today and discuss, how we can develop a mutually beneficial and long term relationship!

The Process that we walk behind

Replicate to development server
Study and analysis
Upgrade Process
Testing and bug fixes
Deploy to live server